16 hours

of teaching each week

for all levels

from A1 Breakthrough to C2 Mastery

Semi-intensive half-year or one-year french courses

This semi-intensive programme is aimed at all international students who wish to acquire and improve their skills in acquisition of grammar, vocabulary and specific aspects of French culture and/or prepare for DELF and DALF examinations.

A semi-intensive French programme for all levels


Courses are oriented towards the development of oral and written expression and comprehension skills. Achievement of autonomy in the use of French requires the acquisition of grammar, vocabulary and specific aspects of French culture. A variety of linguistic activities are offered to students and involve the use of specific methods, exercise books and real-life documents (press, adverts, cartoons, written texts, videos…), as well as in real-life situations while getting to know the city of Lyon (market, station, cafe, library, neighbourhood visit, French-speaking Week). The courses require students to participate on an active basis.



This programme is aimed at all international students including adults, technicians, researchers… regardless of their level of French, who wish to:
– acquire and improve their skills in spoken and written French
– and/or prepare for DELF and DALF examinations.

The ILCF teaches students in groups (of 18 to 24 students) according to their level:
A1 Breakthrough > A2 Waystage > B1 Threshold > B2 Vantage > C1 Effective Operational Proficiency > C2 Mastery


Course length

1 semester: October to January – 200 hours – 16 hours per week
1 university year: October to May – 400 hours – 16 hours per week

This semi-intensive programme includes 16 hours of teaching each week :

Initiation levels A1.1 to B1: 200 hours of common curriculum
Levels B2 to C2 : 178 hours of common curriculum + 22 hours of thematic courses.

The courses are taught on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in the morning and/or afternoon. Cultural modules take place in the evenings and on Wednesday.

Depending on your level you can also take an additional course of your choice, subject to availability of places. Prices: €420 – Volume: 22 hours depending on the discipline (please ask at the start of the year).

Education certificate:

The course is certified by a language diploma approved by the ADCUEFE (group of FLE university centres).
The DUEF (University Diploma in French Studies), corresponding to the level achieved during the semester will be issued on completion, after passing the exams.
The following examinations can also be taken: DELF and DALF during studies at ILCF.

Level test

Before the start of each session, students are required to take a test to evaluate their oral and written skills so that they can be allocated to the correct group.

Assessment and validation

Assessment method: continuous assessment
Programme validation: 30 ECTS equivalence per semester

Calendar and prices 2024- 2025

Find the 2024-2025 calendar and prices on our dedicated page.

How to register for ILCF-Lyon?

  • Choice 1: You can register online
  • Choice 2: You can register on site at ILCF
  • Choice 3: You can send back pre-enrolment form by email
  • Choice 4: You can send back pre-enrolment form by post

I sign up

This pre-enrolment is necessary to start the visa process. Enrollment will be completed whilst paying the remaining balance at your arrival in France.


Enrolment to French Language and Culture programme

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