To enroll at the ILCF, the student must be 18 years old minimum (17 years old with parental permission) and must have at least a secondary degree diploma, except for monthly intensive courses and summer courses.
Every new learner takes a written and oral test in order to establish his/her level and therefore his/her timetable. DUEF, DELF and DALF diplomas will be taken into account for the placement in a level group.
Any UCLy training enrolment (tailor-made courses, module, session, specific program, semester, year or summer) involves commitment for an education during the duration of the chosen program.
Payments by instalments do not absolve the payer from the debt incurred with the establishment : this commitment is an order and must be fully honored. The learners must must be liable for his/her debts in order to participate to evaluations, of every kind (oral, written, continuous assessments, exams…). The UCLy reserves the right to forbid any evaluation, with any consequences, to a learner who hasn’t fully paid his/her scholarship
All prices are indicated in euros tax included. The enrolment to a program includes :
- Administrative fees
- Enrolment fees to training modules (course, session, …).
The manadatory fees, the contribution to the UCLy solidarity fund and optional service fees are not included.
The CVEC (Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus) is compulsory for all students and is not included in the price.
Prices are indicated on the ILCF brochure, on the website and on the invoices.
Tuition fees and administrative fees are redefined every academic year and are automatically applied.
a. Medical insurance
For more than 90 days stays, every enrolled person will have to enroll to the medical insurance on line, following this link www.etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr.
Citizens from the European Economic Area must obtain the European medical insurance card from their country of origin.
For less than 90 days stays, the learner must purchase a private medical insurance.
b. Liability insurance
Liability insurance is compulsory and its cost is to be borne by the student.
a. The totality of the course price, after the pre-enrolment deposit payment, must be settled at the latest :
- for semester course : within the first 15 days after class starts ;
- for monthly or summer course : within the first week of class.
b. For late arrival, the totality of the course must be settled, at the latest three (3) days after arrival.
c. If no payment has been settled on the deadline, the enrolment to the course will be suspended and the access to the class might be denied. In case of absence of unpaid bills, a reminder will be sent.
The course settlement can be made in one time by credit card at the secretary or on line, by euro check or by bank transfer, made payable to the “AFPICL”. It is possible to establish a schedule of payments by instalments by check (within the limit of three (3) monthly payments following the beginning of the class), in agreement with the secretary. Any request of schedule change must be addressed by email to the secretary. Any accepted modification will be communicated by written reply.
The pedagogical team reserves the right :
- To modify the course location, its proceeding and, in a minor way, the program content, or to postpone if circumstances make it necessary ;
To propose a distant learning for a training offered on site in the first place, if circumstances make it necessary ; - To cancel the training especially if the number of participants is deemed pedagogically insufficient. In that case, a full refund of the already made deposits will be done, without any complementary compensation ;
- To refuse any learner’s enrolment for a legitimate and non discriminatory reason ;
- To expel, according to disciplinary proceeding, a learner who will contradict the goal pursued by the institute ; exclusion will be done without compensation nor refund, even partial.
The enrolment is effective as soon as the pre-enrolment form has been received. Cancellation or drop out must be confirmed in writing (email or post) the ILCF secretary :
- In case of visa refusal from the country of origin, and on presentation of original proof, the deposit will be refunded, after deduction of operating fees of 150 euros, if the secretary has been informed, in writing, within a maximum of 8 days before the level tests take place. Beyond this date, the whole payment already settled will remain the property of the ILCF.
- In case of withdrawal before training starts or drop out after training started, no amount will be refunded to the learner. The whole payment will remain the property of the ILCF.
- A learner starting the training he/she enrolled to will have to pay the totality of the charged price. Nevertheless, if the drop out is a case of force majeure (job loss, move, serious disease) notified by registered letter with confirmation of receipt without undue delay with all the documentary proof, the fees payment will be adjusted pro rata temporis to the effective received training. In such case, the ILCF reserves the right to bill administrative fees related to the training.
All drop out requests :
- Cause the loss of rights related to the UCLy learner (class, exams, library, UCLy services and CROUS, etc.) ;
- Can only be taken into account after the date of restitution of the original student card, the original school certificate and the library fee.
These terms are subject to French national Law. All claims must be sent in writing to the ILCF/UCLy, using the on line complaint form available on line https://www.ilcf.net/en/practical-information/ilcfs-claim-form/ , by email to ilcf@univ-catholyon.fr or by post to AFPICL ILCF 23 Place Carnot 69286 LYON Cedex 02 France. The parties shall attempt to settle amicably any dispute. Where no amicable solution, any litigation will be submitted to the Judiciary Tribunal of Lyon.
Date de la dernière mise à jour : Juin 2021 / ® UCLy ILCF – Tous droits réservés